It has been a long time. A long time since anything has appeared on this page. But, for the first time in many weeks, I've taken a completely free day, and decided that it was time to start writing here again. A sort of preparation for the up-coming travels.
Although we haven't written anything here, we have been doing a lot. We just regarded this blog as a memory of our travels on our motorcycle through the summercountry and all the amazing things that happened to us there. We just couldn't touch it.
But as the dates for our next tour in the US start to become more and more solidified, we've decided to revive the blog, and continue it. It is completely unnecessary, but well, how many unnecessary things we do in our lives anyway.
We will leave again on tour for three weeks starting on the 12th of jan. Before that, we need to finish mastering the new CD, print the cases/posters, burn the CD, and package it. In holding with our DIY mentality, we're fashioning something special, though our DIY crew is slowly growing to include more and more wonderful friends to make all this happen.
Finally we've decided to initiate a newsletter. (So now that the blog is active, we can include that in the newsletter as well!) Of course, today was beautiful and empty, so all of these undertakings seem completely possible- aside from the music itself. Speaking of the music itself, we're very excited about the new CD coming out on the 8th of January! there will be plenty to go around.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
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